Wednesday, April 28, 2010


On any given day I will have around 500 hundred random thoughts about the meaning of the Universe. My brain can quite quickly shift from turning right at the next light to forks in the road of life. I think it's a great way to keep yourself in check. You can't get too caught up in your own feelings when you're only a tiny insignificant dot in the middle of the universe during a spec of time. BTW that is as deep as this blog will ever get. Self righteous intellectuals blogging is like listening to Lindsey Lohan say she doesn't have a vicodin addiction... bullshit. I had a visit today with my grandfather, who is 90 years old and who is at this moment in the hospital. Visiting him in the hospital does two things to me. #1 Makes me hopeful that I will live a long and fulfilling life, and that my grand daughter will be awesome enough to come and visit me. #2 Makes me relive the long ridiculous journey of watching my father kill himself slowly with drugs and alcohol while sitting at his bedside. Right now I am choosing to sink my teeth into #2 and sit on it for a while. Not in pity, more like in awe. I am the only person I know (siblings not included) that had a fully functioning suburban father that held down the same job for 25 years who was a heroin addict. Not glamorous like Iggy Pop or Kurt Cobain. More like Jessie from Full House. Drinking all day and shooting up in the "kids" bathroom before going to a shitty wedding to play bad cover songs. I don't know what upsets me more? That he did it, or that he seemed to do it with no conviction. On a lighter note I harvested some peas from my garden this week that were outstanding, and got a great shot of just how voluptuous they were.

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